Planning application withdrawn for our Green Hub in Herefordshire
We have made the decision to withdraw our planning application for our Green Hub project in Herefordshire, in order to focus on more beneficial projects.

Project successes
Michael Douglas
Planning application withdrawn for our Green Hub in Herefordshire.
We have made the decision to withdraw our planning application for our Green Hub project in Herefordshire.
As we have worked on more and more projects, we have developed the criteria that it is crucial, from both an commercial and sustainability perspective, to co-locate our plants with the biomass itself, or in very close proximity. As a result we are focusing the business on sites where there is available AD digestate or suitable woody biomass that doesn't require market acquisition and transportation.
As a result, this site no longer fitted with our strategy in the UK. With our site going live in Malaysia in the coming months, and several more suitable UK sites in process, we have decided to focus our attention and investment on this model, allowing us to continue our mission to scale pyrolysis operations in the UK and SE Asia.